The Color of Strength

Men of color support group

Virtual group starting Thursday August 15th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.
8 bi-weekly session commitment

Group Space

This group provides space for men of color to find community. Together, we’ll share emotional experiences, process social and emotional expectations and pressures of life. Through community and trust, we will bring our full intersectional identities as men of color to investigate the systemic and interpersonal experiences that affect our own sense and meaning of masculinity.

Some topics we’ll explore are:

  • Emotional identification and communication skills

  • Intimate relationships (friendship, romantic, professional etc.)

  • Work, professional, and academic stressors and stress management skills

  • Societal and cultural expectations and messages around masculinity

  • Systemic, generational and interpersonal impact experiences on race

I’m a former division 1 athlete, academic instructor at Saint Mary’s College of California, and now therapist, well versed in the topic and experience of masculinity and men’s issues. I place a great deal of value on nurturing a healthy relationship between emotional awareness, emotional intuition, strength and our ability to find balance within our relationship to masculinity. My years as an athlete, coach, professor, mentor, and now therapist have given me the opportunity to work and support men navigate the emotional and social complexities of being masculine. My group and skills allow us to create a space of community and understanding that provides the space and strength to attend and commit to the way we want to be seen through our sense of masculinity.

Group Leader: Chris Medina Brown 

Join our Men of Color Support Group

* Cost of the group sessions will be $280 ($35 per session). There will also be a pre-screening session prior to joining the group costing $150. The total expected cost will be $430 due prior to the start of group.*